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9 benefits of cucumbers you should know

Benefits of cucumber you don't know

Against popular opinion that it is a vegetable, cucumber is a fruit. Cucumber has several antioxidants and can help prevent and treat certain conditions, It consists of a good amount of water and is quite low in calories that promote Hydration and ideal weight loss.
Cucumber has a good number of possible health benefits.

1. Balanced Hydration:

 the presence of water in cucumber offers a significant amount of Hydration needed for the body's functionality. Proper Hydration can improve the overall feel of the body as it affects almost every process, from metabolism to physical performance. Considering that cucumbers have about 96% of its composition made of water, it may help increase Hydration and meet daily fluid needs.

2. Lowers blood sugar:

 cucumber may be necessary in the prevention and control of diabetes. Cucumber, because of the Cucurbitaceae family that it belongs to, helps reduce the appearance of spikes in blood sugar. Cucurbitacin in cucumber also helps to regulate metabolic processes of essential hormones responsible for the production of blood sugar as they provide essential vitamins and minerals without adding carbohydrates, which increases blood glucose.

3. Improves cardiovascular health:

This has proven to prevent cardiovascular problems as well as reduce cholesterol buildup. Cucumbers are rich in fiber, and they also provide the right amount of magnesium and potassium needed for the skin. Potassium helps to prevent blood pressure, so it is advised to cut down on sodium and increase our intake of potassium.

4. Improves skin outlook:

 cucumbers have cooling and soothing effects that provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Slicing a cucumber and placing directly on the skin can help reduce swelling and inflammation. Cucumbers also help to combat dark circles under the eye and reduce puffiness.

5. Fights cancer:

 cucumbers belong to the member of the cucurbitaceous family, together with several melons and squash. The Cucurbitaceae family is known prominently for its high level of nutrients called cucurbitacins, that help to combat cancer by stopping the cells that promote cancer from it's definitely good for cancer patients.

6. Aids weight loss:

 cucumbers could help in weight loss in several ways. This is because they are deficient in calories and high in water. When eating cucumber, there is no fear of adding up unnecessary calories, no matter the amount. They can also be used as toppings to a sandwich, and side dishes and can serve as a replacement for higher calories.

7. It contains antioxidants: 

several fruits and vegetables, including cucumber, contain antioxidants, especially tannins and flavonoids, that help to block oxidation and stop the accumulation of harmful free radicals. Oxidative stress has been known to lead to severe health conditions like heart failure, lung, and auto-immune disease as well as cancer.

8. Nutrition:

 Cucumbers are low in calorie but has a high presence of essential vitamins and minerals needed for overall wellbeing. Each raw unpeeled cucumber contains Vitamin c, carbs, protein, fiber, vitamin k, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. It is about 96% of the water. Therefore, eating cucumbers will provide the essential nutrients needed every day.

9. Bone health:

 cucumber contains a sufficient amount of vitamin k that is necessary for healthy bones and fracture prevention. It also consists of calcium required for proper bone development.10. It promotes regularity: 

due to the liquid composition of cucumber, eating it may aid regular bowel movements. Cucumbers have plenty of water and promote Hydration. Hydration is essential for regular bowel movements. Therefore, cucumbers may help prevent constipation and increase regularity.


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