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Reasons Dogs are better than Cats

Dogs are known as "man's best friend" for a reason—they have a unique bond with humans that no other animal can match. They understand our cues for communication, turn to us for guidance, and empathize with us.
Let's be honest. There isn't much difference between having a cat and not having a cat. They act like you don't exist much of the time and are snobbish and irritable. Dogs, on the other hand, are devoted, adorable, and best of all, they will always love you.
1. Dogs respond to a written command 
While most cats are busy batting crumpled tissues around the house, Some tech-savvy dogs are learning how to recognize and respond to written commands on an iPad, like “sit” or “whirly,” as well as mastering the art of taking selfies. 
A London-based company called city dog offers sessions to train your dog how to take flattering photos of himself by swiping his nose over the screen 
2. Dogs adapt better to changes 
Cats are usually sensitive to their environments and dislike change. 
Many dogs tend to accept change more easily, especially when their owners act like it’s no big deal. 
Of course, there are plenty of anxious and fearful dogs out there, but as a species, they’re often calmer in the face of significant alterations to their lifestyles. 
When it comes to introducing new people, pets, or items to your home or moving to a new house, cats generally need more time to adapt.
 They don’t automatically trust that all is well. They want proof first. Most dogs take their cues from their owners. 
If you’re cool and calm when that new baby comes in your door, chances are that your dog will be, too. Of course, some might not be quite as accepting of strangers. 

3. Dogs can protect you. 

It’s not in a cat’s nature to defend you or your home. Cats are more likely to run and hide when faced with trouble. On the other hand, most dogs will instinctively protect their owners and their territory. 
They’ll bark or growl to alert you to the presence of strangers, and many will even scare off intruders.
 Dogs can sense our fear and they’ll respond if they think we feel threatened.
A large dog with a loud bark may seem like the better watchdog, but small dogs are sometimes even more alert when it comes to detecting outside noises.
 The little ones may not be able to physically fight off intruders, but they’ll certainly alert you about the danger. And many would-be intruders will avoid contact with any dog for fear of being bitten, no matter what the pup’s size. 
No offense, kitties, but protection is not your specialty.

4. Dogs just wanna have fun

There’s only so much play you can do with your cat. Many cats love to play with string toys and they’ll bat their little cat ball toys around, but it’s almost like they’re humoring you. 
They can play on their own, not just with people.
Dogs love to play, and it’s often interactive play that they want–especially with you. 
You can play fetch with a ball or a disc. You can enjoy an exciting game of tug to war. You can play chase in the yard. 
If your dog gets along well with other dogs, you can even set up a doggie “playdate” with another pup. 
Just make sure both dogs are healthy and will get along. 

5. Dogs offer unconditional love 
Your dog will love you like no other.
Cats are complicated. Dogs are not. 
A dog will love you every minute of every day.
Scientists at Emory University conducted a study that proved it, too. 
Using MRI technology, they were able to show the reward center of doggy brains lit up like fireworks when they smelled their owner’s scent. How doggone cute is that?
6. Dogs Love to Go to Places
Most cats are homebodies (feline agoraphobics if you will) and going out into the big scary world just isn’t their idea of fun. Most dogs see outings as invigorating; they eagerly explore new places and meet new people, and happily go along on their summer road trips. (In the interest of fairness to felines, I must point out that some cats do like going places, and much has been written lately about these intrepid
Dogs are Easier to Train
Oh sure…cats can be trained, but even the most experienced kitty wrangler would have to admit that it takes a lot more time, effort, and patience than it does with dogs. It’s not that cats are less intelligent than dogs – they’re just not as eager to please a human, and they’d much rather do what they want than what we want. “Dogs have masters, cats have staff,” as the saying goes.
8. Dogs Come in Many Shapes and Sizes
Although cats come in many different breeds, colors, and coat patterns, they’re all roughly the same body shape and size. Dogs offer much more variety, so whether you like the look of a petite Pomeranian, the stockiness of a Bulldog, or the horse-like gait of a Great Dane, there’s a dog that fits your idea of the perfect build. Of course, choosing the right dog breed depends upon a great deal more than appearance, but looks do matter!
Pet parents have a host of reasons why they prefer dogs over cats or vice versa. There’s no one size fits, no perfect pet that ticks all the boxes for every person on the planet, and no clear “winner” in the dog-versus-cat debate.
 I’m of the mind that sharing your home and your heart with any animal makes life more meaningful.
 The species isn’t what matters – it’s the special bond you create with your best friend!

9. Dogs are always happy when they see you 

You’ll both feel joy when you see each other
When you walk in from a long day at the office, which would you prefer: an exuberant, tail-wagging greeter or an indignant cat who probably resents you for abandoning him all day and just wants to get fed? No matter how stressful your time away was, coming home to an enthusiastic greeting every night is sure to put a smile on your face, too.

10. Training dogs is simpler 

Okay, cats can technically be trained, but even cat lovers admit that it’s not usually as easy as training a dog.
 Even food-motivated cats will soon tire of training sessions and walk away. Or, they’ll just smack the food out of your hand and eat it anyway.
 In general, cats train us humans better than we could ever train them.
On the other hand, most dogs enjoy training. It seems to give them a sense of purpose. 
It’s a job, and most dogs love to work. Plus, many dogs are highly motivated by food and attention. 
They’ll gladly sit, stay, shake, lie down, and roll over in exchange for a delicious reward.
Dogs seem to display a sense of pride when they’ve done a good job. 
Dogs sometimes misbehave when they’re bored. 
They need more exercise and mental stimulation. 
Training helps provide the latter.


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