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I will never allow IPOB Terrorists in abia state says Gov okezie ikpeazu of abia state

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Re: I will never allow IPOB Terrorists in Abia State say Gov Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State
By Editor - January 2, 2020 0165

Press Statement
Igbo National Council logo
Igbo National Council logo
We have read with great disappoinment the malicious and damaging statement credited to Gov Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State saying that he will never allow the IPOB terrorists in Abia State as was published by a popular online news blog – on Thursday 2nd January 2020.

We note that it is very sad, unpatriotic and treacherous for the Governor of Abia State – Chief Okezie Ikpeazu to make such reckless and unguided remark and statement against IPOB activists.

Though the Igbo National Council (INC) is not in agreement with the method, tactics and strategies of IPOB in the struggle for self-determination, but that does not mean that any reasonable Nigerian will refer the IPOB as a terrorist group noting the terror Boko Haram insurgency and other Islamic Movements has on leashed on Nigerians since over a decade with impunity.

We want to remind Gov Okezie Ikpeazu that it will be foolhardy for any sensible Nigerian to refer IPOB as a terrorist organization. When the Buhari led administration declared IPOB as terrorist group, well meaning Nations, groups and individuals all over the world rejected it and advised Buhari to revert that decision as IPOB is noted for its non-violent approach in her agitations for self-determination.

INC had expected Governor Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State to declare fatwa on the pastoral Herdsmen that are ravaging communities farmlands, raping and killing community people in Abia State for many years without condemnation from the Abia State Government.

In view of the above, the INC therefore request Gov Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State to immediately render an unreserved apology to the Igbo Race or we will declare him enemy of the Igbo Race.


Chilos Godsent  President INC
Chilos Godsent
President INC
~Chilos Godsent
President INC


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