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5 Effective Ways to Stop Wasting Time On The Internet

Internet kills your time faster than anything else.

At a single click, you can watch your favorite TV episodes back to back, stalk your friends on Facebook and get stuck in the rabbit hole that is YouTube. It’s like a never-ending rollercoaster of distraction.

What people don’t realize is that excessive internet surfing works just like any other addiction. It hacks the reward system in our brain and makes us feel unmotivated to engage in real world activities – socializing, exercise, working – the things that fuel personal growth.

In fact, internet addiction has a strong impact on stress, depression, and anxiety.

Here are five ways to stop wasting time on the internet:

1. Set Strict Boundaries For Online Work

Set a time frame for work only e.g. 7AM – 4PM.  You can have free time before or after this set time. Every time you stick to this plan you are developing strength, developing a habit after a week or two it will come naturally. If it’s hard, work in short, 20-to-30-minute long stretches. Do not check access distractions in between but allow your self to get and and walk for 30 seconds or get a glass of water. Re-focus and get back to it.

You can use a timer (or install it on your computer) and keep it in front of you while working. It will remind you that you have limited time.

In addition, you can use online tools to stop wasting time on the internet. Internet blockers such as StayFocusd, Self Control, Leechblock and News Feed Eradicator For Facebook can help you focus and remain in that flow state for as long as possible.

2. Take A Day-Long Break From Technology

You are more than the websites you browse. Go out on the weekend for the whole day. Go out with your friends, or if you like to be alone – sit in a park, read books, meet new people.

Movement creates energy and like attracts like. So when you’re out and about, you’ll attract dynamic energy, people, and things into your life that will make you feel fulfilled and excited for this one life you’ve got. And as a result, you’ll stop wasting time on the internet when you go back to your computer.

Stagnation attracts stagnation and blocks growth and rejuvenation. Internet stagnates your energy since it makes you live inside your own head. You don’t want to live inside your own head for 6-10 hours a day, do you? Yet most people do.

3. Make It Hard To Access

A simple fact about behavior is that we do what’s easier to do when given an option. That’s the reason most people press the snooze button or don’t workout at least three days a week.

So to use this knowledge to your advantage, make all online distractions hard to reach. Use blockers for social media, change your passwords, and put your phone far away from you while you’re working if you really want to stop wasting time on the internet.

The WiFi is turned on 24×7 in most homes and that’s the reason people get addicted. Make a habit of turning it off for a set time period in the evening. For example, you don’t need the WiFi 3-4 hours before sleep. You should spend that time with family and friends. This will also increase your sleep quality immensely and in turn your productivity.

4. Build Your Self-Control Muscles With Small Commitments

Staying away from the internet is like fighting any other temptation. When you have self-control and are grounded inside yourself, you don’t need to drink, smoke, binge eat, or keep wasting time on the internet to escape uncomfortable feelings and physical sensations.

To build self-control, make small commitments and sacrifices. Don’t eat your favorite snack or eat it without your favorite sauce. Take cold showers instead of hot baths. Decide to stay away from the internet just for thirty minutes every evening. Such small acts of mental toughness will forge your inner stability bit by bit.

5. Create A Life Outside of The Internet

According to Brian Tracy, a renowned personal development guru, the only way to


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