I entered into a folder in Buchi’s phone that contained different types of videos. There were the popular michael jackson’s videos as well as other videos. I enjoyed the dance steps from michael jackson. I also found different movies on the phone. “Buchi is really enjoying o.i wish this phone is mine”i thought. I continued exploring the videos until i saw one video.I pressed play and i started.It was a sex video.As i watched it,my heartbeat increased.It was very much different from the sex scenes on movies we watched at home.This one showed everything.The boy and the girl in the video were unclad.As i watched the video,i felt some kind of impulse.I later discovered the phone had enough of such videos. While classes were going on,i was always busy watching porn movies.Atimes,iused earphones to watch them and when i do,i feel more pleasure than watching it without volume at all. I started drifting away from my studies.I never listen...
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