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Enugu Fire: Ugwuanyi replaces burnt commercial bus and two tricycles for victims amid excitement

There was elation at the Government House, Enugu on Thursday when three victims of the recent fire outbreak at a petrol station in Trans Ekulu, Enugu whose commercial bus and two tricycles were burnt during the inferno took delivery of replaced ones donated by the governor, in fulfillment of his promise when he visited the scene.

Briefing Government House correspondents, after the bus and tricycles were formally handed over to them by the Executive Secretary of the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), Mrs. Nkechi Eneh, on behalf of the governor, the jubilant beneficiaries who displayed different dance steps, praising God and thanking the governor for the surprise package, said that today was the happiest day of their lives.
They added that Gov. Ugwuanyi has wiped away their tears and prayed fervently for God to continue to grant him success in all his endeavors, especially his victory at the forthcoming elections.

One of the tricycle operators, John Obalezi said that “we are here because the Governor of Enugu State visited when our keke and bus were burnt and asked us not to cry again that he will wipe our tears. We are here because he invited us today and bought new keke for us and bought a bus for the bus driver. We came to thank the governor and pray for him and his victory in the coming election to complete his 2nd term”.

According to the bus driver, Sunday Ugwu, “I am very happy. Today is the happiest day of my life. I did not believe it was going to happen like this. I don’t have much to say than to thank the Lord and the governor. I even thank the Aunty (Mrs. Eneh) and everybody. I am overjoyed. I did not know that my bus will return back again. I thank the Lord and my God. I thank the governor, Gburugburu, let him continue to lead us in Jesus Name. Amen”.

It would be recalled that the governor had earlier redeemed his promise to the other victims of the incident, accordingly.

Enugu state is truly in the hand of God.

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